Q: What is this?

Welcome to Popi and Gonzo, a game of environmental preservation and "prey-predator" balancing!

Two types of creature inhabit a paper forest: Popies, pacific blue herbivores who eat leaves that appear periodically and tend to gather in groups, and Gonzos, aggressive carnivores who feed on Popies.

Your goal as the keeper of the enviroment is to make sure both species survive as long as possibile. You can do so by creating mighty stone walls with your mouse:

   - Left Mouse Button: drag and drop to create a wall

   - Right Mouse Button: drag to erase walls  

But be careful: if Popies and Gonzos don't eat for a certain time they will starve to death, but keep them well fed and they'll procreate!

Q: This game sucks so much!

I know that! It was made during the Wowie Game Jam 4.0, a Game jam lasted 84 hours (12/08/22 - 15/08/22); it was also my first somewhat serious project, and I own the fact that I'm a bad programmer. But you gotta start somewhere! ^_^'

Development log


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(2 edits)

What was your highscore? Mine is 2505! ^-^